My thoughts

Note: The proverbs mentioned below is very small contribution from my side "Vincy" - the founder of this site, under "Sadguru Shri Wamanrao Pai's" blessings.


  • Satisfaction is a rival of progress.
  • Time cannot be ruled but can be used.
  • Positive thoughts helps to live life happily.
  • Every friend is not your true friend but each true friend is your actual friend.
  • Books are our best friends because they never hurt us.
  • Human Behaviour is unpredictable like snake.
  • Good thoughts shows a right track to your life.
  • Every Racer is not a Winner but every Struggler will soon going to be a Winner.
  • Treat life like a Geography not as History.
  • Drive to Race, Race to Win.
  • Fear is a rival of Success.
  • Good thoughts built up our self-confidence.
  • Positive thoughts acts as a NOS to boost up your life.
  • Don't dare to advice others, if you are not following the same.
  • Good thoughts are the keys of Progress.
  • Working as per universal laws is a fundamental tool of success.
  • Being honest to given work is a only way to get work done successful.
  • Learn from other's experience but get inspired from your good teachings.
  • Who can rule his own thinking, can rule the world.
  • Thinking is a power-stairing of a life.
  • Don't break universal laws else it will break you forever.
  • Decide first what you want in life n just go to get it.
  • Don't care what others think about you, but do care what you thinks for all of us.
  • Don't leave the person who hates you because they need enough time to know you.
  • Consistency is base of growth.
  • Bend in life wherever necessary but never break.
  • Our skills are only our permanent asset.
  • Love those feelings which spreads love.
  • Laziness gives birth to fear so avoid laziness, fear will evade you.
  • Laziness is a root cause of defeat.
  • Be happy for everyone which includes you too.
  • Change your future by changing your habits.
  • Believe yourself if you want the world to believe you.
  • Don't always think about the progress you had done but do think how much more it can be done.
  • Avoid negative thoughts, evade people's talk n do believe your positive thoughts.
  • Everything is possible if you are ready to make it.