Jeevanvidya Mission

Note: The proverbs mentioned below is written by a Great Philosopher  "Sadguru Shri Wamanrao Pai"-Jeevanvidya Mission.

Universal Prayer 
Oh God, kindly
Bless all with health and wealth;
Bless all with money and harmony,
Bless all with peace and bliss,
Bless all with wisdom and your devotion.
- Sadguru Shri Wamanrao Pai

  • You are the architect of your own destiny.
  • As you think so you become.
  • Never forget that your thoughts mould n build your life. So think positive, be positive.

  • Knowledge is missile, weapon & science. Knowledge is might, energy & strength. Knowledge is wealth, riches & splendour. Knowledge is God, Almighty Power & Cosmic Life Force. Therefore, they acquire knowledge & bless yourself.
  • Men of wisdom are those who think twice about the consequences of their actions, while the fools are those who act first.
  • Lack of national spirit is the only cause for all sorts of crooked & wretched problems, the nation has to face.
  • The master key to successful is first to accept the circumstances as they are & then make relentless efforts to shape them beautifully.
  • Human body is a wonderful gift of nature & is a super computer. All actions of Man performed at three levels of thought, speech & physical action are in effect actual feeding to this super computer which gives favourable or unfavourable results to his actions in the form of peace & happiness or pain & miseries.